The wife opened the door on our upright freezer the other day to get something out of it. Now this freezer has been our friend and confidant for a lot of years. I think that we got it used maybe 20 years ago and so it has given its all for us!
However this time the wife casually noted to me that "Oh CRAP, everything in our freezer is thawed out!!" Now normally as casually as she said that I would ignore the problem and it would fix itself, but for some reason she decided that I probably should address the problem.
We have several ice chests sitting around and so I went to the store for ice so that we could save what we could. Thankfully it was still all cold if not partially frozen, so we packed what we could in the kitchen refer and the rest into ice chests. I placed the chests out on the front porch since it has been as cold as a refer lately anyway.
Well now the search for a replacement has begun! I am the type that rarely buys new. If I can get it on Facebook Marketplace locally or Craigslist I will. But for some unknown reason Marily insisted that we buy a new one! Yeah, I don't get it either but that's what she did.
So we went to Home Depot to look. They didn't have any but could order us one to arrive in a week or two. We figured that this wouldn't do since all of our perishables were just sitting around. So we tried an appliance store locally. If we wanted a new refrigerator there was no problem, they had dozens of every make, model and hue. Oh, an upright freezer, well we have a couple back in the back that are scratch and dent. We checked them out but they were too small for what we needed.
Well I finally got desperate and I decided to go to the other warehouse store that will remain unnamed. Ok, Ok it was Lowes. I don't ever like to shop at Lowes because I can never find anyone to help me. Well we went there and for some strange reason they had what we wanted for the price we wanted to pay.
We went over to the appliance service counter where the clerk was helping another person. Well after standing and waiting for over 20 minutes he finally completed his work with the other customer. At long last he assisted us. We told him that we wanted to buy the floor model freezer, but he said "I think that we have a new one upstairs in our warehouse area". Well, OK we will take that.
Delivery was in two days which we could work around. On the arrival day the truck showed up, brought our freezer into the house, hooked it up and said "There you go". Marily looked inside and there were NO shelves. The guy said "Oh, if you want extra shelves you have to order them". Marily said "I don't want EXTRA shelves, I just want shelves!" Well he didn't seem to see the problem but agreed to note on the receipt that there were no shelves. At that time I thought that he figured that we could just lay the freezer on its back and have a chest freezer. Sounded reasonable to me, but, you guessed it, NOT to Marily.
So she called the store and after trying to explain to several people there that we had ordered this new freezer with no shelves someone finally decided that we could have the shelves out of the floor model. Well we went to get them, got home and all was again well in the world!
Simple things can be sometimes very complicated!
God Bless